十大网赌靠谱网址平台 is the oldest continuously operating campus outside of University Park. The campus has a rich history of over 100 years. Below is a brief look at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 over the years.
在20世纪初, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台校长埃德温·斯帕克斯(Edwin Sparks)对赠地机构使命的愿景和他对终身学习的强调导致了在全州范围内建立“扩展课程”.
通过当地公民委员会与十大网赌靠谱网址平台工程学院合作的努力, 1912年,十大网赌靠谱网址平台的第一个永久性技术中心在阿伦敦第六街和蒂尔曼街的史蒂文斯学校的阁楼上建立. The center offers evening courses in engineering subjects.
1917 - 1918
一战期间, women enter the classrooms at the Allentown Engineering Extension for the first time. 在扩建部接受培训的大多数妇女在利哈伊河谷的钢铁和水泥工业的绘图室担任职务.
Programs in "Foreman Training," which eventually expand to become the current Management Development program, 开始. 今天, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台是该州管理发展课程的主要提供者之一.
伯利恒钢铁公司为所有员工提供在阿伦敦扩展学校注册商店和工程课程的机会. 从一开始, the extension school works to partner with industries in the area to provide needed skills. 老师, drawn from local businesses, ground the courses in practical application as well as theoretical learning.
在艾伦镇集市上, extension students who are also employees of the many 丝绸织造厂s in this area, display silks designed and woven in the Textile Engineering School. 在扩建部分的帐篷里还展示了一张宾夕法尼亚州的照明地图和一台静电机器.
1941 - 1945
阿伦敦分校响应号召,通过工程学院培训当地工人掌握战争所需的关键技能, 科学, and Management War Training (ESMWT) program, 由美国赞助.S. 教育部. During the war years, over 4,000 people enroll in classes offered in the Allentown district.
Classes are held in 12 centers including Central Junior High School, 劳布初中, the former Lehigh Valley Transit building at 14th and Gordon streets, and at Muhlenberg College which collaborates with Penn State in offering the program. Other partners in the effort include Convair and Consolidated Vultee Aircraft. 在这些公司的阿伦敦分部,有两个全女性班接受飞机细节方面的培训.
Returning veterans of WWII, eligible for financial aid for education through the G.I. Bill®, want to complete training as quickly as possible to return to the workforce. 阿伦敦中心提供的工程和商业方面的扩展课程,传统上是在3到5年的课程中,在晚上提供给白天工作的男性. In response to the needs of the veterans, 这些技术课程被浓缩成为期一年的电气技术非学分日间课程, 机械设计, 工商管理. These programs are the precursors of the associate degrees in these fields.
To house the burgeoning one-year daytime institutes, the center moves to a former cigar factory, 丝绸织造厂, and boys' club at 725 Ridge Avenue.
The school is renamed the Allentown Center, 日间技术学院重组为两年制工程副学士学位课程. Penn State is the first major university to develop associate degrees, a concept which is quickly adopted by other universities across the country.
1965 - 1968
As the baby boomers generation enters college en force, enrollment in the programs grows and the center soon needs to rent additional space in high schools, 酒店, and the Jewish Community Center. At the same time, enrollment at the main campus in University Park swells beyond its capacity. 横跨整个州, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台的其他中心和校园提供十大网赌靠谱网址平台学士学位的前两年,以确保他们社区的学生能够接受十大网赌靠谱网址平台的教育.
Many community members and organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce, 《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》, 地区工会领导人, 来自利哈伊山谷的州议员与阿伦敦中心顾问委员会一起,开始扩大该中心的使命,包括一个为期两年的学士学位转学项目.
Mohr's Orchard donates 40 acres of land near Fogelsville for a new Penn State Allentown campus.
在新校区建成之前,阿伦敦中心租用了前上麦昆基小学作为临时住房, and undergraduate courses are added to the curriculum.
Penn State Allentown Campus moves into its new home on Mohr Lane in Fogelsville.
由吉姆·杨教练带领, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿伦敦校区自行车队赢得了几次全国大学自行车锦标赛中的第一次.
利哈伊谷写作项目(LVWP)始于一个旨在鼓励整个课程中写作教学的暑期学院. Using a teachers-teaching-teachers model, 该项目鼓励教师设计和采用新的写作教学方法. 在接下来的十年里, LVWP扩展了其计划,并被公认为国家写作计划中最活跃和最具创新性的网站之一.
As the city of Allentown grows into a major metropolitan area, it faces challenges common to larger urban areas. High schools in the area 开始 to experience higher dropout rates. 人口在文化和经济上更加多样化,带来了新的教育需求和机会.
在夏天, 来自波多黎各大学的访问十大网赌靠谱网址平台加入了大学预科青年项目的教师队伍. 这开启了十大网赌靠谱网址平台阿伦敦校区和波多黎各大学(如波多黎各大学)之间的持续关系, 图拉博大学, and the Pontifical Catholic University of 波多黎各.
十大网赌靠谱网址平台 campus joins with Berks campus to create a new Penn State college, 伯克-利哈伊山谷学院. The new college immediately 开始s to develop four-year baccalaureate degree programs, giving area students the option of staying close to home while completing a Penn State degree.
十大网赌靠谱网址平台成为图拉博大学英语作为第二语言研究生学位课程的所在地, Gurabo, 波多黎各. ESL项目是利哈伊谷写作项目和图拉博大学之间的一个合作项目,得到了美国政府的资助.S. 教育部. Although classes are held at 十大网赌靠谱网址平台, the students visit 波多黎各 to work with Puerto Rican colleagues and students, increasing their understanding of both Hispanic culture and the Spanish language.
第一批学士学位由十大网赌靠谱网址平台伯克-利哈伊谷学院授予工商管理和机电工程技术专业的学生. Other baccalaureate degree programs in Information 科学s and Technology, 文化研究, 运动机能学, 科学开始了, and a sixth baccalaureate degree, the Bachelor of 科学 in Applied Psychology, 被批准.
In March, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 opened a Corporate Learning Center off Rt. 512 in Bethlehem as a way to service the entire Lehigh Valley. 10,2000平方英尺的设施包括继续教育部门,也提供传统课程, 专业培训, 以及企业培训.
Penn State restructures the university across the state. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台 is split from the Berks campus and becomes part of the University College.
In 2009, spurred by the continued growth of the campus, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台(十大网赌靠谱网址平台)在中央谷(central Valley)的索森谷路2809号购买了一处设施,开始书写其历史的新篇章. 三层楼的Saucon大楼和周围的财产作为十大网赌靠谱网址平台在利哈伊山谷的新主校区, and provide expanded space and opportunities to foster the success of current and future students.